Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Waiting and stuff

I've been having trouble acquiring computer access here at my Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Larry's house outside Sacramento. They came down to Castro Valley Friday evening and picked me up at Pyzano's. I expected to be gone by about now, but I'll be staying at least through tomorrow. I will probably be able to get a new prescription from their doctor tomorrow, which will be sweet because it means I won't have to go back to Ohio for a couple months. That erases perhaps 3 weeks of travel time that it would take to get to Ohio and back out west. It also will make it possible for me to continue my journey up into Oregon and Washington during summer, which was my goal when I left home over a month ago. I have so much to say right now; waiting for computer time has been killing me. I think the pizza Tony made me (at Pyzano's) may be the best pizza I've ever eaten. (I ate the entire 16" pizza in one
sitting.) Oh yeah, Tony recently won a World's Best Pizza competition in Italy.